Heart disease is more deadly than all forms of cancer combined.
Heart disease is especially dangerous because many of those affected have little to no symptoms. Therefore, heart diseases will often progress undetected until they become life-threatening. The sooner heart problems are detected, the more easily they can be remedied with lifestyle changes, medication, or minor procedures. With this in mind, early detection is the topic of the future of heart medicine. Modern methods of artificial intelligence can help us start protecting our heart health earlier. Cardisiography (CSG) detects pathological patterns in the heart earlier and more precisely than any comparable examination method. This allows for those affected to quickly seek treatment and be on their way towards a healthier heart.
Do you still rely on technology that is a century old?
In 1924, Willem Einthoven received the Nobel Prize for Medicine after inventing the electrocardiogram.
Almost 100 years later, science is finally making a great leap forward in the early detection of heart disease. Thanks to 3D vectorcardiography, a patented algorithm, and the use of artificial intelligence, heart problems can be detected and treated faster than ever before.
The future of heart health
Over 90% of all cardiac deaths could be avoided with early detection. Cardisiography (CSG) opens the door to a completely new and effective kind of prevention. Doctors can now monitor their patients‘ heart health and take countermeasures at the first warning signs. CSG can be integrated within the existing framework of health check-ups. Signs of an emerging or already existing heart disease can be regularly monitored.
Structural, arterial or arrhythmic irregularities can now be detected early, easily, quickly, cost-effectively and precisely. This allows doctors to accurately initiate the correct treatment. The same applies to follow-up of patients with known diseases – the success of a treatment which has been carried out can finally be regularly and non-invasively checked without much effort!
We are continuing our endeavors to greater lengths! Soon, everyone will be able to monitor their heart health at home, in real time, and on demand.
Learn more about tomorrow‘s heart health today!
The American Heart Association recommends women start monitoring their heart health as early as 20 years old.1 However, heart health concerns all ages and genders. The earlier heart disease is detected, the sooner it can be treated.
In 10 years, heart attacks should be a rare disease in industrialized nations. This is only possible if early detection networks are continuously expanded, and awareness is promoted by medical professionals and media outlets.
Cardisiography (CSG) helps the general practitioner quickly, easily, and safely assess the cardiovascular condition of a patient. The current diagnostic gap in the early stages of heart health can thus be completely closed. For the cardiologist, a comprehensive, detailed analysis of the CSG is available, which enables further insights into the condition of the heart. In addition, Cardisio offers expanding knowledge around the topic of heart health on and on other social media platforms.
One of Cardisio’s goals is to form a lively ecosystem of innovative and prevention-conscious doctors and medical experts. In this system, the patient is the focus and receives the optimal follow-up diagnosis or most effective treatment.
The experts at Cardisio use proven medical practices and state-of-the-art technical methods to create a unique and modern „early warning system“ for heart disease.
Cardisiography (CSG) measures the electrical activities of the heart. By placing an additional electrode on the back, a vectorcardiogram (3D analysis of the heart‘s electrical activities) is generated in a very short time. With each heartbeat, 290 parameters including but not limited to the electrical potential, direction of excitation spread in space, angles, and areas are calculated and evaluated using artificial intelligence in the Cardisio-algorithm. The AI-algorithm is continuously trained with confirmed findings, improving its accuracy.
CSG is as easy to use as an ECG, but measures the heart muscle in three dimensions. The evaluation quickly provides clarity on whether the heart is diseased or if a heart attack could be imminent.
The vast majority of patients with heart disease have little to no symptoms at onset. Only once the disease has progressed significantly can life-threatening problems occur, such as a heart attack. This appears to occur suddenly, but the truth is that the affected heart is almost always sick, and the patient was unaware due to a lack of symptoms.
Until now, doctors have only had limited technical capabilities to detect structural or ischemic heart diseases in the asymptomatic stage. Old techniques, such as the ECG or the stress ECG, are only partially informative in predicting a relevant disturbance of blood flow.2
More helpful technologies in this area, such as CT or MRI, are complex and too expensive to use prophylactically. Cardisiography (CSG) changes this.
Designed as a decision-making aid for the early diagnostic phase, it was specifically developed for early detection of heart diseases that do not show up in conventional ECG exams.

Our AI-based Technology
Using proven medical theories, cloud computing, and the latest AI concepts, Cardisio’s scientists have created a unique and modern risk assessment for heart disease.
Within 4 minutes, Cardisiography generates a vectorcardiogram (3-D analysis of the electrical activities of the heart). As part of this analysis, the application processes more than 3.2 million data points in a cloud-based application and instantly delivers a PDF report displaying all results, including a risk score.
Data from the vectorcardiography are evaluated using the Cardisio algorithm, which is continuously optimized to yield highly accurate results.

Scientific Approach
The idea for Cardisiography originates from the principles of electrophysiology, specifically vectorcardiography.
Many attempts have been made in the past to analyze electrical excitation propagation in multidimensional space. However, due to the high complexity of the data, it was almost impossible for a human eye to recognize the relationships and perform the necessary calculations. Therefore, this approach had only been theoretical.
When computing power and artificial intelligence improved, this data became more accessible. Cardisio has developed an algorithm that analyzes each Cardisiography using a neural network that is constantly updated.
With the high computing power available today, Cardisio’s team was able to train an algorithm with the necessary data so that it could perform the complicated calculations for the practitioner. Cardisiograpy is a non-invasive, examiner-independent, reproducible, fast, practicable, and cost-effective screening method for the hemodynamic detection of relevant coronary stenosis at rest. The result generated in the report is a computer-aided infinitesimal, three-dimensional calculation of the excitation processes of the heart. This is based on a specific algorithm in conjunction with a neural network that correlates with the autologous blood, as well as the specific spatial orientation of the myocardium in the dipole field as a function of time starting from a defined point Ɛ.